Monday, September 24, 2018

photoshop lessons part 2


for the bottle design we learned how to take
 a logo and put it on a bottle or whatever the
 paging/product is. After that we learned how
 to take the bottle with the logo and put it an
 image. Then we made it look like it was
 supposed to be there with light and shadows.


With the sign we learned how to take a graphic
 advertisement and put it on a billboard. We 
learn this so if one day when we have clients, 
they can look and see what it would look like 
on a billboard. 


for the program we took 3 different sides of 
a program we made and put it on a program
 we already made. We learn this so if customers 
want to see it as if it was real they can. This 
project was easiest out of the 3 projects.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Challenge Excepted

What is this?

This project is  challenge that my graphic design
 teacher. The challenge was to take the photo, posted
 below, and use all the skills we learned about
 photoshop to make the photo into something new.

The process

the first thing I did was created a concept to make this 
photo different that what it already was. I decided that 
my concept was going to be ice because when I looked
 at the man in the photo, I thought of the mountains. 
The second thing I did was turn the shirt into 
something to match the ice concept.

the third thing I did was turn his face and skin into
something that would be in cold weather. I asodied his 
hair blue to make it tie int the shirt. 

The last thing I did was outline every detail of him and put 
a background behind it. this process took a long time. I 
also went threw several different background concepts 
before finding the right one. 

I am really proud of my finished product, and I hope you guys enjoy.

Semester 1 Summary Some Projects I Have Done In Semester ; This project is a graphic I put together in class  that involv...