Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Quarter 4 Reflection

Smart Glove by Smartech

What Is The Project

My fourth quarter team consisted of Samantha Romero-Benitez,
Berik Solis, Alex Tolman, and I. What our project was, was we
had to make a product and use everything we have learned in
e-Comm to try and advertise it. Our group came up with a
company called Smartech, and our product was Smart Glove.
This project took us weeks to do. In all that time we faced
several challenges. One of those challenges was trying to do the
animations and commercial without the graphic design. Another
challenge was trying to get a concept for a video, because we all
had our own ideas on it. We learned to have patients, and to keep
trying even when it seems hard and you want to give up. Some
of the feedback we got was that we all needed to work on our
script for our presentation. So I worked really hard and made a
full script and gave it to everyone three days before so we could
memorize the script. My overall opinion of our work is that I like
how it turned out but I wish that it would look more professional
and that the graphics would match our product better.

 What Is The Product 

Smart Glove by Smartech;

The glove comes with features that will allow you to text, call,  
play games, and also comes with a fully functional GPS. The 
GPS system shows you exactly where you need to go with a 3D 
map. This way you will know where you are going, what the 
building looks like, and what is on the way.

Smart glove is a full tech environmentally safe product. The 
glove is solar paneled and will save its energy, so you won't have
to plug it in and it does not put toxic waste in the air.
The glove has special technology to fit anyone who puts it on, as 
well as a special DNA scanner to unlock it so no one you don't want 
in your glove can get in. If you don't want to use the DNA scanner,
you also have the option to use a number passcode.

And, the most significant part of our glove is the holographs it 
comes with, the image will be right in front of you in 3D. NO more 
looking down and hurting your eyes, with this product you just have 
to look right in front of you.

How I Used My Time

The activities I worked on in class was I made the box Design, 
I turned the animations into animations, I was the director and 
actor in the commercial, I worked with Alex on the graphic 
design, and I made one of the pages on the website. In the 
times I was finished with  what I was doing I would come up 
with ideas of what our graphics could be, and I would work 
on our script for our presentation. I also researched ways that 
we could improve what we already had, like our box design, 
or our commercial. Outside the classroom I keep making 
designs for our graphic design, and I look up many ways to improve what It looks like. I also research how to make the commercial connect with the person watching it. We chose to use sympathy to connect with the audience and make them remember it. 

Areas of Strength and Areas needing Improvement

As an e-Comm student, and future employee of companies my strengths
 include coming up with new ideas for everything, and thinking as
 outside the box as I can. Whenever I have a new idea I right it down 
and work on it. Some weaknesses I need to Improve on is trying to
 remember how to make a website. I can go on and make it look pretty, 
and make it the best I can, but sometimes it's really hard for me to create 
and do the coding for website. But with hard work and effort, I will push 
threw this and get better. I will improve.

Summary Of This Quarter. 

This quarter my group started out in animation. In there we 
worked on our environment, box design, and banner. We 
where in there for about a week and a half. After that we went 
down to the video portion of our project. We where in there for 
about a week and a half as well. We made a commercial and 
edited it to fit our project. Then my group went to graphic 
design and worked on our website, graphic, word mark, coupon, 
and adds. We where in there for the rest of the time. After all 
that we had our shark-tank presentation. I loved all of it but the 
website. If I could go back and change something, I would 
change the way our logo looks because I personally don't think 
it matches our company as much as I would like it too. The overall
 thing that I have learned is that working with other is an important part of a team, and if they don't help and put effort into it that you should communicate with them so they do help and make it a team work.

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